petek, 19. junij 2009



Items are posted as a new post. E-mail me at if you are interested (please include your location so I can calculate the cost of shipping) and I will send you an invoice for the item. Buying is "first to email, first to get". There is a no return policy, so if you buy, it's yours. You will have 3 days to pay for the item, or I will cancel the sale and move on to whoever is next in line for that item.

If you have any questions email me at


Vsaka stvar ima svojo objavo. Poslji email na ce te ta stvar zanima, cimprej sporoci ker prodaja poteka na nacin "kdor prej pise, prej dobi". Stvari ne vzemam nazaj, ce kupis je tvoje. Placilo pa poteka malce razlicno kot za mednarodno, in sicer s slovensko posto (razen, ce kdo zeli PayPal), kjer postarju placas dolocen znesek. Na rezervaciji je lahko dolocena stvar le 3 dni, ce mi ne sporocis, je na vrsti prvi za tabo.

Ce imas dodatna vprasanja, pisi na zgornji email.

PS: check the left sidebar for more payment information.